Next Door Media

Family videos converted to dvd and digital files

Your memories are priceless. We can help you preserve them for future generations to cherish. 

Next Door Media

Family videos converted to dvd and digital files

Your memories are priceless. We can help you preserve them for future generations to cherish. 

Affordable way to see your memories again

Bulk discounts

Preserve your lifetime memories by sending us your photographs, video tapes, film, and audio recordings. We will return the original items to you along with newly created digital copies.

convert vhs to digital


convert camcorder to digital


convert beta to digital


convert 8mm to digital


convert super 8 to digital

Super 8

convert 16mm to digital


convert slides to digital


convert negatives to digital


Bulk Pricing Available

Call today and let’s get started on preserving your memories for generations to come.

Photo Restoration

We can make your old black and white photographs come alive with color. Bring a smile to your loved ones. Perfect for a gift to relive memories in color. We can fix faded and damaged photos too. Get in touch today!

convert old tapes to digital

Thanks to Joe and Next Door Media for transferring my 25 year old tape featuring my visit to Stonehendge and other serious nonsense to digital! Need something converted, call him!

Jon (Wisconsin)

tape to dvd

Huge thanks to Joe from Next Door Media. He did a great job for us. Very respectful with our camcorder tapes while transferring to flash drives.

Tom (Wisconsin)

Joe Krauss

Next Door Media

Joe Krauss

Elm Grove, WI

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